
Pwnagotchi has a simple plugin system that you can use to customize your unit and its behavior. You can place your plugins anywhere as Python files, and then edit the config.toml file (main.custom_plugins value) to point to their containing folder. Check the plugins folder in the main Pwnagotchi repo for a list of plugins included by default as well as all the callbacks that you can define for your own customizations.

Default plugins

These plugins are maintained in the main pwnagotchi repository. New versions will be automatically available when you use the auto-update feature.

Plugin Script Description apt update && apt upgrade when internet is available. Makes the display reachable over bluetooth. GPIO Button support plugin. Saves GPS coordinates whenever a handshake is captured. Signals the unit’s cryptographic identity and (optionally) a list of pwned networks to PwnGRID at This plugin blinks the PWR led with different patterns depending on the event.
logtail This plugins enables you to look at the logfile via your browser. Adds a memory and temperature indicator. Saves WiFi position whenever a handshake is captured and retrieves the geolocation when internet is next available. Automatically uploads handshakes to Saves GPS coordinates whenever an handshake is captured. The GPS data is retrieved from PAW on android. Shows the current session stats in nice little graphs. You can switch to some non-pwnagotchi activity for some amount of time. A plugin that will add a voltage indicator for the UPS Lite v1.1. With this plugin you can change the configuration via the browser. Plots the captures handshakes on a map. Automatically uploads collected WiFi handshakes to Automatically uploads handshakes to

Community plugins

These are user contributed plugins for pwnagotchi, some of them have not been completely tested by the dev team, use them at your own risk.

Plugin Script Description Confirms pcap contains handshake/PMKID or delete it. Backs up files when internet is available. Pimoroni Button Shim GPIO Button and RGB LED support plugin based on the pimoroni-buttonshim-lib and the pwnagotchi-gpio-buttons-plugin. Christmas Countdown timer for pwnagotchi. Clock/Calendar for pwnagotchi. GPIO Shutdown plugin. Download handshake captures from web-ui. Attempt to automatically convert pcaps to a crackable format. Periodically post status updates. Based on twitter plugin by evilsocket. Runs a quick dictionary scan against captured handshakes. Refreshes the e-ink display after X amount of updates. Periodically sent messages to Telegram about the recent activity of pwnagotchi. Creates tweets about the recent activity of Pwnagotchi.

Plugins in the browser

If you navigate to the plugins-section of your pwnagotchi-web-ui, you will see all available plugins listed in small little boxes like the following:


If the name is underlined, you can click on them and will be navigated to their web representation. If you toggle the switch, the plugin will be enabled/disabled permanently (it will be saved to the config).

Working with the CLI

Pwnagotchi also has a small plugins subcommand, which can be used to manage the plugins.

usage: pwnagotchi plugins [-h]

positional arguments:
    search              Search for pwnagotchi plugins
    list                List available pwnagotchi plugins
    update              Updates the database
    upgrade             Upgrades plugins
    enable              Enables a plugin
    disable             Disables a plugin
    install             Installs a plugin
    uninstall           Uninstalls a plugin
    edit                Edit the options

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Example: If you want to update all your plugins to their latest version, you have to do this:

pwnagotchi plugins update
pwnagotchi plugins upgrade

Configuration files you changed, wont we overwritten but suffixed with .bak.

Developing your own plugin

If you want to develop your own plugin, you have the following callbacks availaible:

Callback Description
on_ai_best_reward Called when the AI got the best reward so far.
on_ai_policy Called when the AI finds a new set of parameters.
on_ai_ready Called when the AI finished loading.
on_ai_training_end Called when the AI has done training.
on_ai_training_start Called when the AI starts training for a given number of epochs.
on_ai_training_step Called after the AI completed a training epoch.
on_ai_worst_reward Called when the AI got the worst reward so far.
on_association Called when the agent is sending an association frame.
on_bored Called when the status is set to bored.
on_channel_hop callend when the agent is tuning on a specific channel.
on_config_changed This will be triggered if the config has changed (also right after on_loaded).
on_deauthentication Called when the agent is deauthenticating a client station from an AP.
on_display_setup Called when the hardware display setup is done, display is an hardware specific object.
on_epoch Called when an epoch is over (where an epoch is a single loop of the main algorithm).
on_excited Called when the status is set to excited.
on_free_channel Called when a non overlapping wifi channel is found to be free.
on_handshake Called when a new handshake is captured, access_point and client_station are json objects if the agent could match the BSSIDs to the current list, otherwise they are just the strings of the BSSIDs.
on_internet_available This will be triggered every few seconds during the time pwnagotchi has internet.
on_loaded The plugin got loaded and is enabled.
on_lonely Called when the status is set to lonely.
on_peer_detected Called when a new peer is detected.
on_peer_lost Called when a known peer is lost.
on_ready Called when everything is ready and the main loop is about to start.
on_rebooting Called when the agent is rebooting the board.
on_sad Called when the status is set to sad.
on_sleep Called when the agent is sleeping for t seconds.
on_ui_setup Called to setup the ui elements.
on_ui_update Called when the ui is updated.
on_unfiltered_ap_list Called when the agent refreshed an unfiltered access point list this list contains all access points that were detected BEFORE filtering.
on_unload This will be triggered if the plugin gets unloaded (e.g. the user toggled the enable/disable switch). You should remove unneeded ui-elements here.
on_wait Called when the agent is waiting for t seconds.
on_webhook You can provide some web-functionality here. Will be triggered if the user opens /plugins/<pluginname>.
on_wifi_update Called when the agent refreshed its access points list.


To illustrate how easy it is to add additional functionality via the plugin system, here is the code for the GPS plugin (

import logging
import json
import os
import pwnagotchi.plugins as plugins

class GPS(plugins.Plugin):
    __author__ = '[email protected]'
    __version__ = '1.0.0'
    __license__ = 'GPL3'
    __description__ = 'Save GPS coordinates whenever an handshake is captured.'

    def __init__(self):
        self.running = False

    def on_loaded(self):"gps plugin loaded for %s" % self.options['device'])

    def on_ready(self, agent):
        if os.path.exists(self.options['device']):
  "enabling gps bettercap's module for %s" % self.options['device'])
      'gps off')

  'set gps.device %s' % self.options['device'])
  'set gps.speed %d' % self.options['speed'])
  'gps on')
            self.running = True
            logging.warning("no GPS detected")

    def on_handshake(self, agent, filename, access_point, client_station):
        if self.running:
            info = agent.session()
            gps = info['gps']
            gps_filename = filename.replace('.pcap', '.gps.json')

  "saving GPS to %s (%s)" % (gps_filename, gps))
            with open(gps_filename, 'w+t') as fp:
                json.dump(gps, fp)